Occupational Medicine?

Who is at risk?
People who work at any job in which they is dust, fume, smoke, strong smell, chemical or extreme cold are at risk of occupational lung disease. This includes factory workers in the flour mills, cement factories, quarries, mines, construction, oil workers, note counters in banks and many others.
What does it do to the person?
Exposure to environmental pollution at the work place from fumes, dust, gases and chemical can lead to many diseases of the lungs such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chemical pneumonitis, stiffening of the lungs and lung function decline. These problems progress over time and without monitoring the person may not be aware until very late.
How do you reduce risk?
By making sure your company adheres to international guidelines on safety levels for gases and fumes in specific work places.
By wearing personal protective devices that should be provided at the work place
Ensuring you have pre-employment and follow-up lung function test at least once a year. This will allow subtle changes to be detected early and steps will be taken to address the problem early.
At The Chest clinic we work with companies and individuals or groups to undertake pre-employment and annual lung function tests. Working with a team of occupational physicians we are able to work with companies to ensure that safety limits of exposures at the work place are achieved. We provide pre-employment and annual or as needed clinical evaluation and lung function testing for all staff at risk of exposure to these environmental pollutants.
We also conduct health education seminars and work place health promotion programs and we provide effective solutions in balancing work and life. 

Contact Us

+234 1 4531388


Monday - Friday :8am-5pm
Saturday: 9am–2pm
Sunday: Closed

45b Sobo Arobiodu St, Ikeja GRA 101233, Ikeja

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